进口报关代理我们的服务: 1.正常单证1-2个工作日清关(货物到港**个工作日提供清关单据); 2.提供标签的设计、审核等,并保证**通过 鸭毛进口申报要素及相关信息: 1:品牌类型; 2:用途; 3.制作或保存方法(仅经洗涤、消毒或为了保藏而做过处理); 海关编码:0505909090 进口:10% 进口增值税:9% 备注:协定税率国家、东盟、不发达国家等享受0%韩国4% 鸭绒进口申报要素及相关信息: 1;品牌类型, 2.材质(填充物) 3.品牌, 4.规格 海关编码:9404901090(其他羽绒或羽毛填充的其他寝具(含类似品) 进口:10% 进口增值税:13% Import declaration agency our services:1. Customs clearance within 1-2 working days for normal documents (customs clearance documents shall be provided seven working days before the arrival of goods)2. Provide label design, review, etc., and ensure ** pass Declaration elements and relevant information of duck feather import:1: Brand type2: Use3. Production or preservation method (only washed, disinfected or treated for preservation)Customs Code: 0505909090Import: 10% import VAT: 9%Note: countries with agreed tax rate, ASEAN, least developed countries, etc. enjoy 0% and South Korea 4% Elements of duck down import declaration and relevant information:1. Brand type2. Material (filler)3. Brand4. SpecificationsCustoms Code: 9404901090 (other bedding filled with down or feather (including similar products)Import: 10% import VAT: 13%Import declaration agency our services:1. Customs clearance within 1-2 working days for normal documents (customs clearance documents shall be provided seven working days before the arrival of goods)2. Provide label design, review, etc., and ensure ** pass Declaration elements and relevant information of duck feather import:1: Brand type2: Use3. Production or preservation method (only washed, disinfected or treated for preservation)Customs Code: 0505909090Import: 10% import VAT: 9%Note: countries with agreed tax rate, ASEAN, least developed countries, etc. enjoy 0% and South Korea 4% Elements of duck down import declaration and relevant information:1. Brand type2. Material (filler)3. Brand4. SpecificationsCustoms Code: 9404901090 (other bedding filled with down or feather (including similar products)Import: 10% import VAT: 13%